It can be tricky to discern the differences between the varying levels of editing, particularly since not all editors distinguish between them in the same way. They also vary based on whether you’re in the US or the UK. We focus primarily on providing meticulous copyediting and proofreading services, defined as described below.
Copyediting focuses on mechanics of style, correctness, accuracy, consistency, and completeness. It includes:
- editing for grammar, spelling, and usage
- application of a particular style (such as The Chicago Manual of Style or Associated Press Style) focusing on punctuation, numeralization, capitalization, abbreviations, and other elements
- developing a style sheet or following one that is provided
- checking for consistency and continuity of mechanics and facts, including anachronisms, character names, and relationships
- editing tables, figures, and lists
- checking front matter, back matter, and cover copy
- checking web links
With Copyediting+ we apply a heavier hand, focusing on clarifying meaning, ensuring coherence and flow, and refining the language at all levels—chapter, scene, paragraph, and sentence. It includes:
- eliminating jargon, clichés, and euphemisms
- establishing or maintaining the language level appropriate for the intended audience, medium, and purpose
- adjusting the length and structure of sentences and paragraphs
- establishing or maintaining tone, mood, style, and authorial voice or level of formality
- fine-tuning dialogue, beats, and tags
The Final Stage
In addition to copyediting, we’ll perfect materials that are ready to be finalized for print or electronic distribution. Learn more about proofreading »