What Happens Next
Thank you for reaching out assistance with your editorial needs. We are honored to be considered. Before we review your submission, we’d like to offer you a brief overview of what you can expect from this moment. But first things first, be sure to add the email address below to your safe senders list to ensure our email doesn’t end up in your junk mail folder. If you do not hear from us within four days, check there.
e d i t o r s (at) w o r d w i s e r i n k . c o m
We'll review your request.
During our review, we first confirm that your project falls within the scope of services we offer. WordWiser Ink is a boutique firm specializing in copyediting and proofreading, although from time to time we do accept projects that require light to moderate substantive editing as well. If we feel your project is a good fit for one of our editors, that editor will send you a proposal. If not, we will try to refer you to another editor within our network, or we will offer guidance on the type of editor you should seek.
If your project is a good fit for one of us, she'll send you a proposal.
Our proposal will offer either a flat rate or a rate range for completion of the work we feel your project requires. We’ll also indicate the start and completion dates. We offer convenient payment options, so you can choose the plan that suits you best. Scroll to the bottom to enter any additional information we need for your contract or to select your payment options, and click SEND.
Important: The proposal you’ll receive is based on your editor’s availability at that moment. Our editors are typically booked weeks and months in advance, so that period of availability, by nature of our business, tends to be fleeting. Consequently, our proposals are set to expire in three (3) days (72 hours from the date/time of the proposal). If you have not responded within that time frame, be aware that the editor’s availability may have changed.
Next, your editor will send you a services agreement.
Then, she'll send you an invoice.
After signing the contract, you will receive an invoice based on what you chose under payment options. Until deposit or payment is received, keep in mind that your dates are not yet secured. Please process your payment as soon as you can to ensure that your editor can begin working on your project without delay. You’ll be able to submit payment through our client portal. We do not accept PayPal, CashApp, Zelle, or Google Pay. For payment processing, we use Stripe, which accepts all major debit and credit cards from customers worldwide.
Thanks again for allowing us to review your material and potentially partner with you to polish your work to excellence. One of our editors will be in touch with you shortly.